A Community Art Installation for South Molton for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations, led by Artist, Jeremy Hughes
Made possible by a ‘Let’s Create’ grant from Arts Council England and Devon Community Foundation

Working with our local communities throughout the month of May, North Devon artist and set designer, Jeremy Hughes, will create a fantastical royal tableau of creatures in ‘A Queen’s Procession’.

With an official opening by Lady Arran, Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Devon, on Thursday 2nd June, when completed ‘the Queen’ and her entourage will hang from the roof of the Pannier Market, looking down on all the town’s amazing celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
People of all ages are encouraged to be involved in this major project to celebrate the 70 years of HRH Queen II’s reign. You just need enthusiasm to join in and feel a part of this once-in-a-lifetime Jubilee event; no experience is required! The project is designed to bring joy – and to lay down memories of a lifetime, creating a legacy for our town, for its future generations to enjoy!
Free, ‘drop-in’ workshops will take place in the Court Room of South Molton Town Hall starting on Tuesday 3rd May, usually open 9am – 4pm every day – possibly even with some Sunday openings! Look out for the sign and timetable outside the Museum, showing where and when to go.

Jeremy Hughes will also hold some free workshops with the community groups who use The Methodist Church Hall: a great opportunity for small children and their parents – and older people – to take part.

Visit our Facebook page to connect with us and see the latest updates for all our Jubilee projects and watch out for updates on our website!
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